Tree Problems

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Ash Dieback 101

Ash Dieback 101

Across the world, Ash trees are under threat from a disease known as ash dieback. Watch consultant Nick Organ with everything you need to know.

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Cherry Tree removal

Cherry Tree removal

This large old Cherry tree was overshadowing our client's garden and house. Our client was initially keen to retain the tree, therefore we previously had crown raised this tree to alleviate the shading it was causing. However, several years later, due to it's...

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The effects of floods and storms on trees

The effects of floods and storms on trees

Floods and storms effect trees in many ways, their effect is greatly influenced by many factors such as wind speed, wind direction, rain intensity and duration, location, water type tree species, age and health. Trees can adapt to changing conditions but this...

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Fungi and Decay in Trees

Fungi and Decay in Trees

Fungi are one of the most amazing diverse organisms on the planet. They take many forms from slimes and toadstools to rusts and mildews. They can colonise some of the most inhospitable environments and cause diseases in plants, animals, insects and micro-organisms...

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What is a tree report?

What is a tree report?

A tree report is a generic term and relates to the assessment, analysis and reporting of specific issues in relation to the care, maintenance and management of trees.

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Honey Fungus

Honey Fungus

Honey Fungus (Armillaria species) is a common fungus that exists frequently on dead plant material, but has the ability to become parasitic on the living roots and lower stem of many sorts of plant.

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